GoPhilanthropic has recently returned from site visits to its partner programs in Africa. As usual we come home both humbled at the strength we encounter in these communities and inspired to continue to share in their efforts. This year GoPhil’s Tracey Morrell was fortunate to have donor Barbara Burger alongside. We remain as dedicated as ever to providing our community a genuine connection to the programs they support and an opportunity to share their perspectives and experience.
M-Lisada’s continues to thrive…
Each time we visit, we marvel at the growing team of amazing men and women who are now running M-Lisada.  Roles and responsibilities are clear, they are committed to the strategic plan they created for themselves, and they jump at any chance they are provided to access more skills and training.  In sum, we sensed is hard-won an air of stability at M-Lisada.  These few seconds of video seemed to capture the amazing sense of peace and musical beauty found there–quite the contrast to the Katwe slums that surround them.     
GoPhilanthropic and M-Lisada
Emily, M-LIsada’s Education Manager also has a
background in organic farming

Growth is abound at the farm in Bombo!
When Emily proudly held up this developing tomato, we knew that the goal to have the farm offset the reliance on food donations was indeed within reach. The variety of crops being grown at the farm–from cabbage to yams, eggplant and avocado, is already offering the children wider base of daily nutrition.  GoPhil donors supported the much needed initial investment in seeds and tools last year to get the project on its feet.
This March we saw that more land has been cleared, even more crops are being grown and the fields are weeded and well maintained. Planting season is currently delayed as the rains have not come yet but there were still many crops.
Monkeys are stealing the food (particularly the tomatoes!) and have killed one of the dogs. Stay tuned for a solution to this!

The healing power of Music…

We were really moved by this beautiful video of M-Lisada which captures their belief in the power of music to heal and to instill self-worth in children who have experienced the harder faces of life.

Funds still Needed:
While the progress is steady and consistent, there are still some holes in their funding for providing good quality education to all of the children they care for.  GoPhil is searching for willing donors to offer $50 per month recurring support for school fees.  click here to donate
Fighting Early Marriage and FGM in Kenya
Smiles and singing were all around when we arrived at Maji Moto and the Enkiteng Lepa School–devoted to offering girls their right to a education and bright future in lieu of early marriage.  GoPhil donors have been providing support to this amazing gem of a school, founded by the passionate Hellen Nkuraiya for several years.  The girls radiate an energy towards education not commonly nurtured in young Maasai girls.  It was wonderful to connect with all of GoPhil’s sponsored students and were able to gather lots of news on their school progress and personal interests to share with their donors in the US.
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Stay tuned for profiles of more girls in need of sponsorship!
In the coming months we will collecting information on additional girls needing sponsorship.  Please contact us if you are interested in offering a young Maasai girl the chance of education.